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Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is a school of yoga, with a very characteristic method of practice that is safe and accessible to all.

The emphasis is placed on the alignment of the body and the accuracy of the actions and directions in the position (asana). This requires maintaining the asana (a very important feature of Iyengar yoga) in order to train the body and mind in observation and adaptation. Also, when needed, props are used such as straps, bricks, blankets in a meticulous way. The props help either to increase the range of motion in case of restrictions or to increase the length of stay in the asana in order to deepen the awareness of the body.
The structure of an Iyengar yoga class is carefully planned so that by working systematically, one can gradually develop strength, flexibility, endurance, concentration but also quietness in body and mind. Beginners start with upright positions to build a good foundation and are gradually introduced to sitting positions, forward extensions, twists, backward extensions, inverted and restorative asanas.

In 1966, BKS Iyengar (1918-2014), published the pioneering Light on Yoga,
  which helped spread yoga in the west. Differentiating from commercialization of yoga in recent decades, he taught until the end of his life, that yoga is a process, not a product. Yoga is an art and a science and requires years of self-observation and personal study. Physical health is a result of yoga  but the real gift is peace of mind.

"Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together." BKS Iyengar

Iyengar yoga can be taught only by a certified Iyengar yoga teacher who holds the Certification Mark, which can be obtained after many years of studying and training.

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